The Grandson Project

This was a fun one! My Grandson is learning his alphabet and one of my students, Traci, practiced her free motion quilting by making quilted letters for her Grandson. I totally, 100% got the idea from Traci; thank you!

I started out by just using batting between two layers of fabric, but I thought that might be a little floppy. I grabbed some grandsonproject from my stash for the middle layer instead. Fast2Fuse was designed for mailable postcards and is a 2-sided stiff fusible, perfect for the letters!

This is a documentary, not a tutorial! There are probably better ways to do this, but I wanted it done NOW so that he could use them. If I dithered around making it perfect, he’d be in college.

I took my normal email font, Aptos, took it bold and to 500 in size, and printed on normal printing paper. I’ve used Golden Threads and I don’t see that it releases a whole lot easier than plain ole printer paper. I then layered those atop my sandwich: